David Brainerd: Chronology of Events
by Don O. Shelton; edited by Stephen Ross

David BrainerdDavid Brainerd (1718-1747) was a missionary to the American Indians in New York, New Jersey, and eastern Pennsylvania. Born in Connecticut in 1718, he died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-nine.
1718 Born at Haddam, Connecticut. (April 20)
1739 Converted to Christ. (Jul 12)
Entered Yale College, New Haven, Connecticut. (Sept)
1742 Expelled from Yale College while in his third year.
Licensed to preach by Ministerial Association, Danbury, Connecticut. (July 29)
Appointed a missionary to the Indians by the Society in Scotland for Propagating Christian Knowledge. (Nov 25)
1743 Began his labors among the Indians at Kaunaumeek, New York. (April 1)
1744 Ordained by Presbytery at Newark, New Jersey. (June 12)
Arrived at the Forks of the Delaware River in Pennsylvania near the present city of Easton. (June)
1745 Began labors among the Indians at Crossweeksung, New Jersey (now the town of Crosswicks). (June 19)
1746 With a company of Indians removed to Cranberry, 15 miles northwest of Crossweeksung. (May 3)
1747 Discontinued his labors among the Indians because of poor health. (March)
Died at home of Jonathan Edwards, Northampton, Massachusetts. (Oct 9)
  From Heroes of the Cross in America by Don O. Shelton. Boston: United Society of Christian Endeavor, ©1904. Lightly edited.

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